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10 Website Design Tips for 2021

Designing a website is no easy task. Everything from the colors to sizes of fonts could make a difference in a design. There are always more ways to improve your work and with these 10 Web Design Tips, you can take your business to the next level. Use these tips to drive in leads using simple design principles.

1. Make a Good First Impression

If you have worked with websites before, you may have heard of the Fold. The Fold is the portion of content on your website that is visible without scrolling down. This is the first thing your viewer sees, so you should make a good first impression. Keep your key information and most captivating visuals in this area. The Fold area and the bottom of your webpage are the best places to have a call to action! Try adding a button to “Join” or “Learn More” about your business.

2. Simplify Your Design

How many times have you read every detail on a website you visited? You, like most viewers, scan pages and only notice keywords and images. Keeping this behavior in mind you should remove unnecessary clutter for a more minimalistic design. You can achieve this effect in multiple ways like adding whitespace, including images, and focusing on key information. Simplifying your design is most important on your homepage because everyone, like in tip #1, should make a good first impression :)

3. Connect with Your Viewer by Using a Chat Box

Viewers have questions and they want answers quickly. A chat box allows users to easily and conveniently contact you. A chat box will increase your engagement with viewers! Its ease of access also allows quick feedback and concerns. It can be very useful to know where you can improve on your website. Remember to back up your chat box with the proper customer support!

4. Modernize Your Website with Parallax Scrolling

Parallax scrolling is an effect where elements move at different speeds. This adds depth and movement to your design. Artistically, the effect can captivate viewers. Practically, it can highlight important information and add emphasis. When subtly utilized, parallax scrolling can add a lot of visual interest to your website. Arazo Media uses this effect to their advantage on their homepage.

5. Use Visual Hierarchy

You should always keep visual hierarchy in mind when creating your website. Visual hierarchy is used to arrange content in order of its importance. Many characteristics like color, size, and contrast can be used to guide the viewer’s attention. For example, a viewer is sure to notice a large, vibrant image. Few will notice the low contrast caption underneath the image. By utilizing visual hierarchy, you can guide viewers towards a call to action. Learn more from t Orbit Media's Visual Hierarchy Diagram.

6. Try Adding Photos of People

Faces can make powerful connections with viewers. Use photos of people to make your company more personal. Viewers are much more likely to connect with a person or entity than a company. Photos of people can also project emotion. Use them to portray your customer experience. However, beware of cold, staged stock photos. These can have the opposite effect on your work. Photography trends like this are constantly changing. Stay updated on current web design trends with this blog post!

7. Share Your Client’s Experience!

Add testimonials and reviews on your website to generate sales and engagement. It’s one thing to claim you have the best business in the world, it’s another when multiple people agree with you! Include a testimonial section, where your clients share their positive experiences with your business. This will build trust and credibility. As a bonus tip, try to include photos of your clients with their reviews. Remember tip #6!

8. Avoid Long Paragraphs

Break up long paragraphs into smaller passages to increase your website’s readability. Note: Short paragraphs get read, long paragraphs get skipped. Try keeping paragraphs to a length of 3-4 lines.

9. Don’t Sacrifice Functionality

Everyone wants a beautiful website. However, be careful not to sacrifice functionality for aesthetics. Prioritize the user’s experience and make sure your website is easy to navigate. Although those fancy flashing images may look nice, they can confuse viewers and deter them from your website. Make your services and information clear and concise.

10. Be Mobile Friendly!

More and more people are on the move in this increasingly mobile world. Your viewers should have a pleasant experience on your website from any device. When designing your website, take extra time to incorporate mobile-friendly elements. This may include minimizing menus or scaling down graphics. Make sure to test your website’s mobile version as if you were a new, potential viewer. Pretend you are the user and note your experience!

Will you use these tips?

Here at Arazo Media, we work daily creating websites and branding materials for all kinds of companies. We’ve incorporated these design principles in many of our client projects. Click here to share your web design experience!

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